Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hillary I Forgive You for Being Caught in the Machine...

funny watching the whitehouse and Israel try to put big-time SPIN on the wiki-leaks thing - 80% of arabs polled say they see the United States and Israel as the major threat (it's just their dictator leaders Hillary's talking about)
just sad that since TV was de-regulated the popular media won't discuss anything that goes against their View - i think it's a perfectly valid dialog to see these leaks as conscientious objectors, standing up to say we got it wrong, and we should be accountable
Recommend watching "Robert Fisk Lies and Mis-Reporting in the Middle-East," and Noam Chomsky's comments on Democracy Now today.  I never knew how rediculous the situation is in Palestine until I saw a map of Area A, B and C today.  I can't believe our national interests have helped promote and prolong the human rights abuses the israely government inflicts on the Palestinian people, and how the shadow play has kept us in the dark even until now when the documents are really right on the Internet to look at.